Moyns Park Estate
The Gate House with the old gates. Can anyone date this for us?
The above picture shows Moyns Park staff and workers. We presume the date of the picture is sometime soon after WWI comes from the Kendall family collection, Herbert Kendall is in the front row on the left. Can you help us with names?
After WWII a residential riding school opened offering courses in dressage, show jumping and short B.H.S. courses. The chief instructor was Charles Coombes M.B.E. The following memories come from his daughter Meg Klungness nee Coombes who now lives with her husband at Bayfield on Lake Superior, Bayfield U.S.A..
'My father was a military man 17/21 Lancers, he was stationed in India with the cavalry, this was where I was born. He was an amazing horseman and taught riding to the gentry, and was involved in show jumping etc. In 1946/47 my family moved to Moyns Park. My father was chief instructor at the riding school. We lived in the "Big House" as I called it with Capt. Walker and his wife. I was 8 years old and remember having to walk through the park, sometimes quite scary for a little girl, to get to school. Living at Moyns Park was very interesting, many animals, I especially remember the peacocks who I found quite mean. Being the only child, other than my baby brother, it was very lonely and I spent hours at the stables with my father. We finally moved down to Birdbrook to make it easier to go to school. Our house was next to the school. I remember childish things like playing hide and seek in the grave yard at the church and getting into big trouble from my father for it, the school and the water bucket on the step, also finding bats in our desks! Happy memories especially after living through the war in.London."
Today the Estate farm has organic status and consists of 425 acres of which 110 acres is managed woodland. The high class stud occupies 130 acres and has recently been modernised to a very high standard. The remaining acreage is open parkland and arable. Footpaths run thoughout the park.